Tribal masks offer the bright colors often seen in
Chinese culture.

Ornate woodwork and bursting colors adorn the
Summer Palace in Beijing. Built on a lake just out-
side northwest Beijing, the gardens and buildings
were constructed for use by the imperial family.

Gorgeous flowers adorn a small garden between
Tiananmen Square and the National Assembly
building to the west.

The Stone Memorial Gateways mark the entrance
to the Great Mosque of Xi'an with the worship hall
doors in the distance. Built in 742 A.D., the mos-
que complex with more than 6,000 square meters
of buildings, has only been open to the public
since 1978.

The controversial CC-20 building opened just pri-
or to the Olympics amid criticism of its unorthodox
design. Home to the only Chinese national TV net-
work, it has a strange look from any perspective.

Top Chinese Communist party officials are pic-
tured at the entrance to the beautiful Zhongshan
Park, which leads to the Forbidden City in Beijing.
